Kolabo 2021: The Mwanza Team
Dr. Mwita Matiko
We would like to highlight our major team member in Mwanza, Tanzania— Dr. Mwita!
Dr. Mwita is a clinician, a psychiatrist and a lecturer at the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences. He has a special interest in maternal mental health and has been a major contributor to the Kolabo project since completing his psychiatric residency. He spent time in Calgary to learn about medical education and psychiatry under Dr. Phil Stokes and has since taken on a lead role in the mental health curriculum in Mwanza. This year more than ever Dr. Mwita took on multiple in person lectures, coordinated the online learning with the Calgary team, and organized and oversaw all of the small group teaching sessions. Way to go Dr. Mwita!
Dr. Kiyeti Agnes Hauli
To see more about Dr. Hauli check out our blog post from 2019.
Dr. Gemma Simbee
Dr. Simbee is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who helped to teach related content material on the ground this year at CUHAS. Special thank you to Dr. Simbee!